Monday, November 2, 2009

HUD Complaint: Tracking the political money trail of homelessness criminalization - HUD Inspector General Fraud Complaint

Blog posting - update
The contact information to make a HUD fraud complaint
is given
at the end of this post:

Tracking the political money trail of homelessness criminalization

The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper ran a story that stated, "general assistance rolls for the homeless have been slashed by 73 percent a story titled,

About 800 homeless move inside with Care Not Cash
Monday, May 2, 2005 San Francisco Chronicle
By Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writer Page B1

And the homeless number of people has been and is increasing
with the foreclosures of homes.

Foreclosures Force Ex-Homeowners to Turn to Shelters
Published: October 18, 2009 New York Times

The above New York Times article is partially based on reports and
research posted at the
National Coalition for the Homeless. Such as their
that lists and ranks the meanest cities (towards the homeless) in America;
Homes Not Handcuffs: The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities
Updated September 2009 [download as pdf]

Please note that "if" a community were to turn and "do the
right thing" and repeal their criminalization laws against
homelessness, they would probably be over run with people
seeking "sanctuary". While I have been "in and out of the
street" (homeless) since I was 15 and am now (November 2009)
50 years old, I just happen to know a few things about how
such things usually work. I strongly believe that the best way
to undo this mess is to demand that HUD declare it to be
fraud for a community to accept HUD money to help the
homeless, while having laws that make it a crime to be
homeless. With hundreds of major American cities having
such homeless criminalization laws, a "grace period" will
be needed from HUD, to allow time for such legislation's to
be changed or the funding to that community will be halted,
and placed in escrow.

That should get their attention.

And like the HUD Inspector General say's;

If you are aware of fraud, waste, and abuse in HUD programs
and operations, report it to HUD's Inspector General Hotline!

You can submit your complaint ( to the HUD )one of 4 ways:

Online, through e-mail. Remember:if you submit your complaint online
(through e-mail), it is possible - though unlikely -
that others could read it since the internet is not

Call toll free: 1-800-347-3735
TDD: (202) 708-2451

By Fax: (202) 708-4829

By mail:

HUD Office of Inspector General Hotline, GFI
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410


Also see the blog of;

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Censored Homeless Solutions

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